Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pre-Reading Question

Some people think that having money leads to happiness. Do you agree? Why or why not? What are the advantages or disadvantages of being wealthy.


  1. Great comments so far! Three more questions...

    Did the fact that Judy Jones was obsessed with money and status affect our feelings toward her? Would she have been able to have such pull on her male suitors had she been poor?

    Did Dexter replace "living" with financial success?

    And, think about Mrs. Whipple. How would money have made her life easier?

  2. i think having money leads to happiness, because you have more choices and options of ways to live your life. Being able to spend your money on things you want rather than just need, would make you happy. A disadvantage of having money would be people being jealous of your money, and having to pay more taxes.

  3. The only advantages of being wealthy are the objects you can buy. Money makes one feel superior to others, yet has them fear for their lives. They think everyone is after their money and panic. Rich people don't have true friends or family and are often isolated from them. Money distorts man's reality. Money can lead to happiness materialistically, but there is no exception on the anxiety and hatred that follows.

    The fact that a large amount of individuals feel the 'need' to be wealthy and don't consider the mental abuse are fatuous.

  4. I don't think that money leads to happiness. Some people are poor and they are happy as can be. Other things besides money can make a person happy, like being around family and friends. If someone has more money then another person, that doesn't mean that they are happier then someone that has less money.

    Some advantages of being wealthy is that the person can have more items that make them happy, around them, so they can have more things that make them happy.

    Some disadvantages of being wealthy is that people may look at that wealthy person and judge them and make assumptions and say that all they care about is money. The wealthy person can also start to be consumed by having a lot of money start buying things that don't make them happy.

  5. I agree that money does lead to happiness, because everyone that has a lot of money can buy almost anything to make them happy. The advantages to having a lot of money are that you can get almost anything you want, and the disadvantages of having money are that people expect more out of you, and you must be better at everything you do.

  6. I agree with kendra and also think that money leads to happiness and this is because you can provide for your family and wont have to worry and that you can buy what you want to make you happy. the disadvantages are that there are more taxes and there are jealous people that will want your money.

  7. I do not think that money leads to happiness. In some ways it can if you buy things then you can be happy for a short time until you get bored then have to buy something else. but for the most part i don't think that money leads to happiness. there is more advantages to having money then not having money. you can buy anything you need or want like food a place to stay and that kinda stuff.

  8. Money can make you happy, but it can also leave you unhappy. Money can be used to buy things that will make you happy for a certain amount of time, but i believe it can't bring you ultimate happiness. There are people out there that have little to nothing, and they find themselves being more happy than those that have all the money in the world.
    Being wealthy has its advantages, such as being able to afford the things you want along with the things you need. it also has its disadvantages, such as feeling alone and ultimately ending up unhappy.

  9. I would say it is a factor for happiness in life but not the main source. There are countless benefits of being wealthy. You can buy so many things that can make you happy like buying a brand new BMW or Mercedes or whatever, but sometimes other people will see you as just a rich person and nothing else, they can use you for just your money.

  10. Yes, I agree that money can lead to a minimal amount of happiness. Money can buy you objects, money can also buy you "friends". The "friends" that money buys you are not your true friends. some disadvantages of having a lot of money and being rich, are that you are constantly being pestered by people for money, and that you might be robbed by other peoples.

  11. I agree with Spencer. Money does have a huge part in every ones lives but that's only one kind of happiness. There are plenty of rich millionaires who commit suicide or who aren't happy with their lives. Happiness goes deeper, and while i do believe you need to be financially stable to be happy, there is more to it like family, relationships ect.

  12. In the novel were reading money doesn't seem to buy happiness. Tom and Daisy have all the money they could ever need or want but they obviously have problems with there happiness. I think that you need moderation in everything.

  13. I agree, money is a very happy thing. when i have a lot of money i get to buy not only stuff i need, but stuff i want and little trinkets. money is great to have, money keeps me happy and friends because we can buy things we can all share, money is what our world revolves around. money can also make a person unlikeable, but it depends on how you spend it and what you spend it on

  14. That's a very good question Mrs.Cambell. I would first start by saying, cougars and no i don't mean "awe i'm being mauled by a cougar!." I'm talking about the 80 year old divorces. The ones that are driving the convertibles and rocking the boots with the fur. I certainly do not find older lady's attractive, nevertheless I wouldn't mind settling down for a bit of cash flow. I agree with spencer that money can't bring you ultimate happiness. But it can be that little push you may need to get started on the Pursuit of Happiness. Oh and no, if Mrs.Whipple had money i think she would develop alcoholism. Because she'll attempt to get "out" of the "unhappy place" using alcohol. As we saw in "A Clean, Well Lighted Place.

  15. I some-what agree with money leads to happiness, but money doesn't only lead to happiness. If all you had is money would you be happy with only the objects you buy? Their are advantages of being wealthy, one being you will probably will go a lot of places because money isn't something they need to save. On the other hand disadvantages to being wealthy are people will see you as someone to help them out with their bills or ask if you could buy them this thing, they don't necessarily want to be your friend they just want nice things.

  16. I agree that money does lead to happiness. If you have money you have the ability to meet all of your wants and needs in life. With the advantages of having money and being wealthy come the disadvantages. People would be jealous of all of the things you have and most likely not like you, and also people might become your friend just because of how wealthy you are. With the "Pursuit Of Happiness" idea I agree with Spencer and Paul that the money would lead to this idea.

  17. I do not think money leads to complete happiness it fills in holes for people to be in there but does not fill it in all the way. Money can buy things for you but money can not buy everything. Being wealthy has advantages of having many items of fun but your social life is a mess which can hurt people badly.

  18. I agree with Jerrico, that money doesn't lead to complete happiness, yeah it can fill in holes but it cant get you everything out of money, an example is love, I believe money cant buy love. Well in less your a gold digger, what if a millionaire wanted true love to be happy and nothing else and couldn't get it?
